Who am i?

Hi, I’m Jordan, better known online as kruthers.
I am a 21-year-old UK based developer and gamer who works in a wide range of languages and helps manage and administrate multiple gaming servers and Discords.

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Ever since I started programming, I have been working on a range of different projects in different languages, including Minecraft mods, plugins and maps. I have also worked on a few different discord bots and websites.
As of more recently I have started sharing some of these projects online, these include a couple of plugins and a few maps that I have led/ worked on and are now on realms.
I also have experience in discord bot design, discord Management and website design. This site was designed almost enterally from scratch!

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my projects

Gaming & Comunties

Almost all of my interests stem from the games I play, these including Minecraft, Gary's Mod, Space Engineers, Kerbal Space Flight just to list a few of my favourites.

From within these games I have also met lot of people and joined communities which I am now parts of, one of the first one of these was Gamemode 4. Within the Gamemode 4 community I started off as a normal player and have since become one of the main system admins responsible for keeping the server running and I also help moderate it.
Another one of these communities is Team GFD where I am an admin and the provider of servers. I have also more recently help make a discord bot for our discord and started work on making a website for us. As a community we mainly are centred around Minecraft and its endless possibilities, but we have regular gamenights where we play a range of different games. For these I am the most regular host/organiser for them.

Server Hosting

Over time I have also started hosting and running my own servers in a range of games. I have been hosting servers since 2014/2015 and got my own machine for it back in 2017. Since then I have started hosting my own websites, bots for discord and a wide range of other services for use by me and my friends.

As of recently I also have acquired a dedicated server in a Data centre to allow me to expand my services and their performance.